about fastid

Our ambition for the future

In the years to come, our technology will completely transform the way you identify yourself on arrival at locations. It will change the way you make use of different services and the way you control your own data.


Our aim is to make life easier with less hassle. Queues, paper tickets, different accounts and cards should no longer be necessary in this day and age. We aim to offer a smarter alternative.


We like to make things easy to understand for everyone. Why should privacy policies be difficult to understand? Why should it be hard to find out who has your data? We aim to provide clarity and comprehensible language.


Our objective is to improve the security of the personal data of the consumer. It’s important for us that the consumers get back in control of their own personal data. That their personal data is no longer stored on a wide range of servers from several suppliers and merchants.

Discover how it works

Our story

The idea for FastID was conceived some years ago. At Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam where both of our founders were tasked with making the day-to-day operation more digital and innovative. They envisioned a ‘hands-free’ future: without paper tickets, plastic cards, and valuable identity passes.

In recent years, the issue of ownership of personal data has become more and more pressing. At the same time, the possibilities of identification via biometrics has grown exponentially. Our founders saw the opportunity to put their experience with digital identity, within both the airport and the financial services industry, to the test.

FastIDs vision is to make life easier, simpler, and safer at places where identification is needed. We can deliver on our promise to give consumers the ownership of their personal data back, while at the same time allowing for fast and secure access to events, services, and locations.FastID is currently focused on the European market, servicing airports, stadiums, hotels, public transportation, buildings, banks and gyms. We are represented in the Netherlands, Germany, and Czech Republic. Our mission within 5 years, is to be the most used and trusted digital ID platform in the EU.

Our ambition crosses international borders

Our diverse and highly experienced team is skilled in multiple facets of setting up and doing business. We know how to lead projects, programs, big teams, and departments. We always start from a consumer perspective, and make sure goals are transformed to tangible deliverables and actions.

Our IT and software development capability is a major asset, having a highly skilled development team of 20 FTE,. We are also in the position to be able to partner with several companies to be able to scale up our capacity in a short amount of time. At FastID, we have the knowledge, flexibility and tools to create something out of nothing

Meet our team

Yamil Gil

Project Manager, Netherlands

Chrystel Credo

Country Manager, Netherlands

Joel Devaux

App developer, Czech Republic

Isabella Gomez

Project Manager, Netherlands

Bernd Kegel

Country Manager, Netherlands

Petra Johnsson

App developer, Czech Republic

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Start opening those magic doors

Get the app now and create your digital ID in a few simple steps. Experience how FastID will completely transform you access to locations and services

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